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首页 考研英语真题库 历年考研英语外刊常考热点:大学生为何不利用就业服务?


2021-04-02 14:48 来源:互联网 作者:好轻松考研小编



  原文标题:Why Aren’t College Students Using Career Services?




  Part 1原文

  Ⅰ While more than 80 percent of students cite the prospect of a job as a critical factor in their decision to enroll in college, few feel confident once they’re enrolled in their ability to participate in the job market and the workplace (34 percent and 36 percent, respectively), according to nationally representative findings outlined in a new report by Gallup and the Strada Education Network.

  Ⅱ Gallup and Strada reached out to students currently enrolled across 43 randomly selected colleges and universities, both public and private. The survey found that, after creating or updating a resume, students tend to use some of career centers’ least beneficial services—taking a skills test, for example—more than they do the more beneficial ones.Fewer than 20 percent of undergraduate students reach out to their school’s career centers for advice on finding jobs or finding and applying to graduate programs, both of which the recent report identifies as some of a center’s most valuable services. Often, students instead consult with friends and family members about important decisions that can determine employment, such as choosing a major.

  Ⅲ College students’ failure to fully capitalize on their career center’s services in their pursuit of a job is not a new problem.But this tendency could help explain why so few students are confident they’ll graduate with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the job market—this at a time when it’s especially important for millennials to secure a comfortable income after college, as they’re entering a world with fewer robust safety nets, such as social security, and skyrocketing housing prices.

  Ⅳ On top of that, droves of college students continue to graduate with crippling debt. And report after report has found that automation, and new technology more broadly, will make it harder and harder for people to find well-paying work.New technologies are already eliminating certain jobs and are predicted to get rid of additional ones; sectors such as commercial driving and retail sales could start seeing job losses due to automation as soon as 2020. College graduates will be better off than their peers who are less educated because the former more often than not land white-collar jobs, which are not immediately threatened by automation. Still, even white-collar employers are poised to start chipping away at the cushioning they historically provided to workers with four-year degrees: Some of those companies are increasingly encouraged to look toward workforce-development programs, such as apprenticeships, rather than colleges for candidates, given bachelor’s recipients’ lack of work readiness and high salary expectations.

  Ⅴ Career centers at schools with largely affluent student bodies may see few young adults walk through their doors because people from middle- and upper-income backgrounds likely have family members and friends whom they can consult about employment opportunities instead.If a young man has a doctor or a writer in his family, for example, he can talk with that relative and even shadow her on the job to figure out if that’s the route he’d like to take. If it is, that family member can open up her professional network to the young man to help him land a job—precisely the kind of support that a career center would aim to provide.

  Ⅵ It isn’t surprising, then, that blacks and Hispanics, as well as first-generation students and students who are older than the traditional college-going population, rated the help they received from their career services office and academic advisers more positively than did their white and more affluent counterparts. Especially for first-generation students, a career center might be the first source of job advice they’ve ever encountered. Obviously, not all black and Hispanic students are low-income, but in the United States they are far more likely than whites to be poor, largely due to the country’s legacies of racism and discrimination, which determines how connected they are to the professional workforce.

  Part  2长难句语法点拨

  While more than 80 percent of students cite the prospect of a job as a critical factor in their decision to enroll in college, few feel confident once they’re enrolled in their ability to participate in the job market and the workplace (34 percent and 36 percent, respectively), according to nationally representative findings outlined in a new report by Gallup and the Strada Education Network.

  本句的主句是Few feel confident (once they’re enrolled )in their ability to participate in the job market and the workplace.但一旦入学,极少人对自身参与就业市场和职场的能力有信心。前用while引导了一个让步状语从句,表示尽管……,从句中有个短语cite sth as sth ,把……当做……,把就业前景是自己决定上大学的关键原因。后according to 介词词组作状语,根据……,“盖洛普和斯特拉达教育网络一项新报告中列举的具有全国代表性的发现”

  Part 3 写作句型借鉴

  AA tend to use some of XX' s least beneficial YY—MM, for example—more than they do the more beneficial ones.AA往往更多利用XX最无益处的YY——例如MM——多于他们对于更有益的YY.

  原文例句:The survey found that, after creating or updating a resume, students tend to use some of career centers’ least beneficial services—taking a skills test, for example—more than they do the more beneficial ones.调查发现,创建或更新简历之后,学生往往更多利用职业中心最无益处的若干服务——如接受技能测试——多于他们对于更有益的服务的利用。

  AA' s failure to fully capitalize on XX in their pursuit of YY is not a new problem.AA在追求YY时未能充分利用XX并不是一个新问题。

  原文例句:College students’ failure to fully capitalize on their career center’s services in their pursuit of a job is not a new problem. 大学生在求职时未能充分利用就业中心的服务并不是一个新问题。

  On top of that,除此之外,加之……

  原文例句:On top of that, droves of college students continue to graduate with crippling debt.








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