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考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 14 TXET 2

2020-10-29 11:33 来源:互联网 作者:好轻松考研小编

  在考研英语中,不管是英语一还是英语二,阅读都是题量分值的一部分,所以才有得阅读者得天下这一说,考研英语要想拿高分阅读理解是必须重视起来的一个版块。今天好轻松考研小编给大家整理了考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 14 TXET 2,希望能够帮助大家攻克英语阅读。

  TEXT 2

  Here is a plea to save the English parish church, still standing after the convulsions of the Reformation, the English civil war and social alteration. Roy Strong would like to see the churches preserved, just as he strove to preserve English country houses and country gardens while he was director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in the 1970s.

  Early worship by Christians was deeply spiritual, ritualistic and physical. Images of saints adorned the walls of the church, where parishioners came for all the sacraments that represented the life cycle of ordinary people. Feast days and saints' days were many, the congregation stood during services, coming and going, talking and kneeling. The building boom of elaborately beautiful churches reached its height in the 14th and 15th centuries.

  The Reformation began in the 1530s, but lasted way beyond Thomas Cromwell's dissolution of the monasteries, with the government of evangelical Edward VI continuing the work of stripping the churches and banning ritual. Worshippers were ordered to cease their devotions to images or relics, or “kissing or licking the same”. What the parishioner lost was enormous. The church was the meeting place for the community as well as a place of worship. Churchgoers were left to stare at a whitewashed wall, or an empty niche where a statue of the Virgin once stood. People were forced to give up religious ceremonies practised for 1,000 years. It is surprising how little rebellion there was.

  Yet these upheavals were nothing, Sir Roy claims, in comparison to the puritanical purges of the civil war, during the mid-1600s, which devastated not only the fabric of the church but also the social communion of the congregation. Moreover, the loss of income, particularly from banning the making and selling of church ales, meant that the buildings started to crumble. The book's illustrations show churches stripped bare and others in which the gaudy tombs of the elite have replaced images of saints. A reusable coffin from the civil-war period (shown above) is an unfortunate early sign of recycling.

  The Georgian era was not just a peaceful one for the church, but also an apparently lackadaisical one. Churches were restored and “exuded the light and clarity of the age of Enlightenment”. Most welcome of all, there was a return to music, introduced gently, so as not to bear the faintest whiff of popery. The aristocracy ran the parish church, their tenant farmers and workers making up the congregation. Plaques and family pews proliferated; the gentry even had their own fireplaces in some churches. They nearly always grabbed the job of clergyman for their sons. One historian called it “the age of negligence”, as the clergy distanced themselves from the congregation and absented themselves from their pastoral ministry.

  Sir Roy ends with the church facing an uncertain future in the 21st century. He does indeed cover the whole story in a relatively “little” book. For his account of the Reformation, he draws from Eamon Duffy's “The Stripping of the Altars” (Yale, 1992). And this is ideal further reading for those keen to find out more.

  1. The book mentioned in this passage is most probably _____

  [A] a plea to save the English parish church.

  [B] on the ups and downs of the English parish church.

  [C] about the change of design and style of the English parish church.

  [D] on the history of the English parish church since the beginning of Christianity.

  2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Reformation?

  [A] The Reformation was not ended until Thomas Cromwell’s dissolution of the monasteries.

  [B] The government of Edward VI was not against the Reformation.

  [C] The Reformation was carried out so as to banish the religious belief.

  [D] The Reformation was causing less damage than the civil war to the church.

  3 The puritanical purges in civil war are different from the Reformation in affecting the church in the following aspects except_____

  [A] destroying the social communion of the church.

  [B] cutting off the earnings of the church.

  [C] devastated the buildings.

  [D] banning the sale of church ales.

  4. The Georgian ear was called by one historian as “the age of negligence” because_____

  [A] the aristocracy neglected the presence of the clergy.

  [B] the clergy did not function their duty.

  [C] the churches were neglected by the Reformation.

  [D] the aristocracy disregarded the original ceremonies.

  5. In the last sentence of this passage, “this” refers to _____

  [A] “The Stripping of the Altars”.

  [B] Sir Roy’s “little” book.

  [C] Sir Roy’s account of the Reformation.

  [D] the history of the parish church.文章剖析:

  这篇文章介绍了Roy Strong关于英国教区教堂的一本书。段从介绍Roy Strong希望保存教区教堂来引出他写的书;第二段介绍书中所写的教堂早期的情形;第三段讲述宗教改革对教堂的破坏;第四段讲述内战期间清教徒清除对教堂的影响;第五段讲述乔治王时期教堂的情况;第六段讲述该书的结尾。


  convulsion n. 动乱parishioner n. 教区居民

  sacrament n. 圣礼                 congregation n. 集合人

  evangelical adj. 新教派的          purge n. 清肃

  ale n.麦酒gaudy adj. 浮华的

  lackadaisical adj. 没有生气的popery n. 天主教

  plaque n. 匾额pew n. 教堂内的靠背长凳

  gentry n. 贵族


  (1)The Reformation began in the 1530s, but lasted way beyond Thomas Cromwell's dissolution of the monasteries, with the government of evangelical Edward VI continuing the work of stripping the churches and banning ritual.

  [主体句式] The Reformation began…, but lasted…

  [结构分析] 这是一个简单句,有两个并列的谓语,后面with…是伴随状语。

  [句子译文] 宗教改革于16世纪30年代开始,到了克伦威尔解散了修道院后还一致延续,后来新教派爱德华六世政府继续拆除教堂、禁止宗教仪式。

  (2)Yet these upheavals were nothing, Sir Roy claims, in comparison to the puritanical purges of the civil war, during the mid-1600s, which devastated not only the fabric of the church but also the social communion of the congregation.

  [主体句式] Yet these upheavals were nothing, Sir Roy claims.

  [结构分析] 这是一个复合句,in comparison to …是句子的状语;during the …是修饰the civil war的;which引导的定语从句是修饰the puritanical purges的。

  [句子译文] 但是比起17世纪中叶内战期间的清教徒运动,这些都算不了什么。清教徒运动不仅毁坏了教堂的建筑物,而且摧毁了圣会的社会团体。




  [难度系数] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 主旨题。本篇文章其实就是对这本书内容的一个简略概括,主要讲述了英国教区教堂兴衰的历史;而文章段开头就提出这是要拯救英国教区教堂的请愿书,其实是对该书一个方面的概括,并不是全部的内容,也可以看作是一个比喻,因此A选项错误,而选项中B最为符合题意。



  [难度系数] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 细节题。选项A, 由文章第三段可以看出宗教改革是一直延续到爱德华六世的;选项B,第三段提到了爱德华继续拆除教堂,禁止宗教仪式,他的政府继续实施了宗教改革,该陈述正确。选向C,从文章可以看出,宗教改革并不是要消除信仰,而是要改变宗教的一些仪式;选项D,第四段提到,宗教改革相对于内战期间的请教徒清理来说不算什么,但是这不是内战引起的,而是具体的宗教活动引起的。因此,只有B选项是正确答案。



  [难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

  [分析] 细节题。从第四段可以看出,内战期间的清教徒清除更是实质性的损坏,而宗教改革更注重形式上的破坏,选项A、B、D都在第四段中提及了,C是宗教改革也有的内容。因此,答案为C选项。


  [答案] B

  [难度系数] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 推理题。第五段提到贵族自己组成圣会,还让自己的儿子担任牧师工作。提到将这段时期成为“失职时代”,后文作了解释,因此牧师们远离了圣会。关键要注意negligence这个词有许多意思,而这里主要指牧师没有履行职责,因此B选项为正确答案。



  [难度系数] ☆☆

  [分析] 推理题。最后一句是,他对于宗教改革的描述引用自Eamon Duffy的《圣坛的脱落》,如果有人希望了解得更多,这本书是比较理想的作品。那么可以看出,这里指的是如果读者希望了解更多的关于宗教改革的情况可以看这本书,也就是《圣坛的脱落》。


  这是一个拯救英国教区教堂的请求,这些教堂虽然经历了宗教改革、英国内战和社会变革的洗礼,但仍然屹立如初。Roy Strong希望看到这些教堂能够保存下来,就像他在20世纪70年代担任伦敦维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆馆长时努力保护了乡村住宅和乡村花园一样。





  Roy爵士的结尾是教堂在21世纪面临的未知未来。实际上他在比较“小”的一本书中概括了整个故事。他对于宗教改革的描述引用自Eamon Duffy的《圣坛的脱落》,如果有人希望了解得更多,这本书是比较理想的作品。







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