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考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3

2020-10-30 14:44 来源:互联网 作者:好轻松考研小编

  备考考研的学生应该都有发现,考研阅读的题目基本都围绕在文章的各层次主干上,所以,原文几百字的文章,真正需要理解的主干其实只有几十个字而已,当我们划去冗余,就会发现几十字的文章骨架基本覆盖所有的问题。为了帮助大家更深入的了解,今天,好轻松考研小编给大家带来了考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3,希望能帮助到大家。

  TEXT 3

  For most of his life Chuck Feeney has guarded his privacy obsessively. When he became a philanthropist, his gifts came on condition that his name never appeared on any press release or plaque; all donations would cease if confidentiality was breached. But when he decided to co-operate with Conor O'Clery on this book, many of the people in his life, released from their Trappist vows, let themselves go. The result is gripping.

  An Irish-American, born in New Jersey in 1931, Mr Feeney made a fortune by co-founding Duty Free Shoppers (DFS) which first sold tax-exempt goods to American soldiers abroad and then tapped into the rise of mass tourism. When DFS was sold in 1997, it had delivered nearly $8 billion to its four main shareholders, of which Mr Feeney was the joint biggest, with 38.75% .

  Tax avoidance is the flip side to Mr Feeney's philanthropic coin. He is addicted to it. “Chuck hates taxes. He believes people can do more with money than governments can,” says a friend. In 1964 a young New York lawyer, Harvey Dale, told Mr Feeney that changes in the tax laws threatened his business, which was running risks that could put the founders in jail. On his advice, Mr Feeney and his co-founder, Robert Miller, transferred ownership to their foreign-born wives, from France and Ecuador, respectively. In 1974, through a deal with the American government, the firm turned the Pacific island of Saipan into a tax haven. Then, in 1978, Mr Feeney grouped his various investments, including his shares of DFS, in a holding company, General Atlantic Group Limited, in tax-free Bermuda. To escape the American taxman, everything was still registered in his wife's name.

  Mr Feeney carefully shunned all outward evidence of wealth. But as soon as DFS became reliably profitable, he started the practice of giving 5% of his pre-tax profits to good causes. In 1982 he created a foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies, based in Bermuda. Two years later he signed over his fortune to the foundation, except for sums set aside for his wife and children. His net worth fell below $5m. When he broke the news to his children, he gave them each a copy of Andrew Carnegie's essay on wealth, written in 1889.

  Mr Feeney has given his alma mater, Cornell University, more than $600m, dwarfing all other donations from a single alumnus to an American university. He has contributed hundreds of millions of dollars towards higher education in Ireland, South Africa and Australia. He has helped with health care in Vietnam. In 2004 he went to Cuba, where he met Fidel Castro, who seemed only too happy to accept his capitalist-tax-avoided dollars. But it was his support for the Irish peace process that caused the most controversy, including accusations (without foundation, it turned out) that he had financed the IRA.

  Mr Feeney is committed to giving away all the money in his foundation by a fixed date—thought to be in about ten years—but his investment prowess makes this difficult. Currently, Atlantic Philanthropies is worth $4 billion (up from $3.5 billion in 2001) even though, over its lifetime, it has given away about $4 billion in increasing amounts. The trouble for Mr Feeney is that the foundation's assets are growing as fast as he tries to get rid of them.

  1. When Chuck decide to co-operate with Conor O’clery on this book, many of the people in his life_____

  [A] left Chuck for ever.

  [B] broke previous their promises of maintaining confidentiality.

  [C] talk about what they know about Chuck.

  [D] felt surprised and then disappointed about Chuck.

  2. Mr Feeney was dedicated to avoiding tax because_____

  [A] he wanted to make more money.

  [B] he wanted to give more money to good causes.

  [C] he thought the government was corrupted.

  [D] he thought people could manage the society with their own money by themselves.

  3. Pacific island of Saipan _____ through a deal with the American government in 1974.

  [A] made favorable tax policy for Mr. Feeney’s firm

  [B] established a branch of DFS.

  [C] became a tax-free place

  [D] became a heaven for tax-free business

  4. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of Mr. Feeney’s charity activities?

  [A] He made huge donations to Cornell University.

  [B] He contributed money to higher education.

  [C] He supported the health care in Vietnam.

  [D] He financed the IRA for the Irish peace process

  5. It is difficult for Mr. Feeney to give away all the money in his foundation in about ten years since_____

  [A] he has made too much investment elsewhere to take back the money.

  [B] the foundation’s assets are increasing too fast to be completely given away.

  [C] he has trouble in finding reliable means to donate all the money.

  [D] ten years is too long for him to give away all the money.


  这篇文章介绍了一位慈善家Chuck Feeney。段讲述Feeney先生不愿意透露自己的隐私,却最后答应合作编这本书让自己的秘密公众于天下;第二段讲述Feeney先生的身世和创业;第三段讲述Feeney先生对免税事业的执著;第四段讲述他成立了基金会;第五段讲述其基金会的捐赠历史;第六段讲述他完成捐款任务的困难。


  Philanthropist n. 慈善家phaque n. 匾额

  Trappist n. n.[宗](天主教西多会中的)特拉普派(的)(此派强调缄口苦修)

  gripping adj. 引起人注意的;吸引人的

  alma master n. 母校proess n. 威力


  (1)Then, in 1978, Mr Feeney grouped his various investments, including his shares of DFS, in a holding company, General Atlantic Group Limited, in tax-free Bermuda.

  [主体句式] Mr Feeney grouped  his investments in a holding company in tax-free Bermuda.

  [结构分析]这是一个简单句,including…现在分词结构是前面investments的定语;General Atlantic Group Limited是前面company的同位语。

  [句子译文] 1978年,Feeney先生把自己各种投资都集合起来,包括他在免税店的份额,然后投进了一家在免税的百慕大群岛成立控股公司——大西洋有限公司。

  (2) Currently, Atlantic Philanthropies is worth $4 billion (up from $3.5 billion in 2001) even though, over its lifetime, it has given away about $4 billion in increasing amounts.

  [主体句式] Atlantic Philanthropies is worth… even though it has given…

  [结构分析] 这是一个复合句。后面分句中,over its lifetime是分句的状语。

  [句子译文] 目前“大西洋慈善”价值40亿美元(而在2001年只有35亿)这是在已经累计捐出了40亿美元之后的情况。

  考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆


  考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆☆


  考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3


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  考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆


  考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3

  [答案] B

  [难度系数]  ☆☆☆



  Chuck Feeney在生命的大部分时间里都竭尽全力保护自己的私人生活不受干扰。成为一个慈善家后,他在捐赠时提出的条件就是自己的名字不能出现在任何新闻稿或匾额上。如果违反了这种机密性,他的捐赠就会中止。但是当他决定要和Conor O’clery合作写本书时,他生命中的许多人都得以摆脱他们缄口的誓言,从而可以畅所欲言了。这个结果真是够吸引人的。


  免税只是Feeney先生慈善事业的另一面而已。他甚至对免税上了瘾。“Chuck憎恨税收。他认为人们用钱可以比政府办更多的事情。” 他的一位朋友说。1964年,一位年轻的纽约律师Harvey Dale告诉Feeney先生税收法的改革可能会威胁到他的生意,甚至可能会让这些创办者们锒铛入狱。在他的建议下,Feeney和他的合伙人Robert Miller将免税店所有权移交给了他们分别出生在法国和厄瓜多尔的妻子。1974年,通过与美国政府的一项协议,公司将太平洋上的塞班岛变成了一个免税的地方。1978年,Feeney先生把自己各种投资都集合起来,包括他在免税店的份额,然后投进了一家在免税的百慕大群岛成立控股公司——大西洋有限公司。为了逃避美国的收税员,所有公司都是以他妻子的名义注册的。


  Feeney先生捐给自己的母校康奈尔大学的资助达6亿多美元,数额超过了美国大学所有毕业生单独捐款的数额。他还捐了几亿美元用于爱尔兰、南非和澳大利亚的高等教育。此外他也资助了越南的卫生保健事业。2004年他来到古巴,在那里会见了Fidel Castro,Castro非常高兴地接受了Feeney先生通过免税得来的美元。但是正是他对爱尔兰和平运动的援助,才导致了的争议,人们指责他赞助了爱尔兰共和军(事实上毫无根据)


  考试马上就要来临,为了拿稳考研阅读的分值,大家一定要努力刷题,正确刷题哦。以上就是好轻松考研小编对于考研英语阅读理解精读:UNIT 13 TXET 3内容的整理,希望对大家有帮助哦。






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