首页 考研英语资讯 考研英语二2019年完形填空(上)


2020-07-09 10:44 来源:互联网 作者:考研小编
摘要: 今天好轻松考研小编为大家分享一下是英语二9年真题完形填空部分,以下是全文解析(上),在阅读解析之前,请大家认真地做一遍真题,一定要在做完之后再阅读。

  考研英语二2019年完形填空(上)   今天好轻松考研小编为大家分享一下是英语二9年真题完形填空部分,以下是全文解析(上),在阅读解析之前,请大家认真地做一遍真题,一定要在做完之后再阅读。


  Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 【1】.____, when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it【2】.____.·

  As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 【3】.____ on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 【4】.____ the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 【5】.____ my goals.

  I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 【6】.____ of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 【7】.____ altering your training program. The most【8】.____ changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost.

  For these 【9】.____, I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 【10】.____. Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to【11】.____ my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and【12】.____ any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 【13】.____ my training program.

  I use my bimonthly weigh-in 【14】.____ to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I‘m constantly 【15】.____ and dropping weight, this is a 【16】.____ that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.

  The 【17】.____ to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 【18】.____ morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 【19】.____ I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale.

  Rather than 【20】.____ over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel, how your clothes fit and your overall energy level.

  1. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides2. A. cares B. warns C. reduces D. helps3. A. solely B. occasionally C. formally D. initially4. A. lowering B. explaining C. accepting D. recording5. A. set B. review C. reach D. modify6. A. depiction B. distribution C. prediction D. definition7. A. regardless of B. aside from C. along with D. due to8. A. rigid B. precise C. immediate D. orderly9. A. judgements B. reasons C. methods D. claims10. A. though B. again C. indeed D. instead11. A. track B. overlook C. conceal D. report12. A. approve of B. hold onto C. account for D. depend on13. A. share B. adjust C. confirm D. prepare14. A. features B. rules C. tests D. results15. A. anxious B. hungry C. sick D. bored16. A. secret B. belief C. sign D. principle17. A. necessity B. decision C. wish D. request18. A. surprising B. restricting C. consuming D. disappointing19. A. because B. unless C. until D. if20. A. dominating B. puzzling C. triumphing D. obsessing


  Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 【1】.____, when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it【2】.____.·

  先看句{Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. }定期称重是意识到体重有任何明显波动的妙招。【stay aware of】 意识到…;注意…【fluctuation】[ˌflʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn] n. 起伏,波动Weighing yourself regularly是主语is a wonderful way是系表结构to stay aware … fluctuations是「way」的后置定语句子核心点是:Weighing yourself regularly,首句已经做出铺垫,至于这一行为是好是坏影响如何,且看下文逻辑。

  第二句{【1】.____, when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it【2】.____.·】}文中“when done too often”给出了前提,这里的too often和上文的regularly相对应,过于频繁后的结果就是“can sometimes hurt…”,所以【1】处强调的是逻辑的转折,首先想到的就是However;“more than ”表示对比,参照物是前面的hurt,所以【2】处应该填一个和hurt相反的词,又因为前文说过定期称体重是“ a wonderful way”,因此考虑填help一类的词,主语是it,要填三单形式。在外刊阅读中经常见到“弊大于利”的表达:do more harm than good to be damaging and not helpful 弊大于利Modernizing historic buildings can often do more harm than good.对有历史意义的建筑物进行现代化改造常常是弊大于利。 We need to consider whether the disadvantages of the plan outweigh the advantages. 我们要考虑一下该计划是否弊大于利。The negatives outweigh the positives on this issue. 在这个问题上弊大于利。经济学人2020-02-29期中“America’s nightmare”一文提到「He is sceptical about America wielding power overseas, partly from an honourable conviction that military adventures do more harm than good.—他对美国在海外行使武力持怀疑态度,部分原因是他坚信军事冒险弊大于利。」段逻辑:首句虽是正向表达,但是树立了靶子句,即定期测量体重,这虽是掌握体重动向的妙招,但操之过急,却是弊大于利。【频繁测体重→弊大于利】就是论点,后文会对此展开,论证说明。


  As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 【3】.____ on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 【4】.____ the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to【5】.____ my goals.

  首段作者已经表明观点,第二段进一步阐述,先看下面句子{As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing【3】.____ on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. }【as for me】 就我而言;对我而言【overall】 [ˌəʊvərˈɔ:l] adj. 全部的;全体的;整体的本段首句较长,断句很重要①As for me, ②weighing myself every day ③caused me to shift my focus ④from being generally healthy and physically active ⑤to focusing 【3】.____ on thescale. 断句时应注意谓语,谓语通常不单单是一个词,而是一组词,例如,caused…to shift…from…to…;①作者提及个人体会,更亲切,也更具说服力②是本句主语,every day对应上文的regularly和too often;③中的cause用法是cause sb to do sth,其中包含动词shift,shift和后面的④from…⑤to…又是一个整体,所以句子就变长了。generally是关键点,每天测体重使我的注意力从“保持「整体」健康和精力充沛”shift转移了,转移之后的内容应该和【generally-整体】相反,【scale-刻度、数值】的意思,指代的是体重秤显示的重量。全句意思是由每天测体重使得关注整体健康变为只关注体重,所以【3】处选一个generally的反义词,四个选项【A】. solely 【B】. occasionally 【C】. formally 【D】. initially;只要有【A】 solely [ˈsəʊlli] adv. 单独地,地,逻辑符合。

  {That was bad to my overall fitness goals.}是对每天测体重的评价,其中 【overall】和上文的【generally-整体】属于同义替换,验证了【3-solely】处的选项。本句又为论点句,下文会解释如何bad to我的健身计划。上述的每天测体重也和段的「when done too often」相对应,【bad】与【hurt】同义替换,也从侧面可以验证【2】填一个相反的词汇。

  {I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 【4】.____ the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to【5】.____ my goals.}

  I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass解释了体重增加的原因➻【muscle mass-肌肉增加了】;但是如果满脑子都是【number on the scale-体重秤的数字】,结果就会是【I altered my training program-我更改训练计划】;【That 指的是更改计划】,conflicted是本句的谓语意思是“[ˈkɒnflɪkt] vi. 冲突,抵触”,改变原有的计划与我 __[?]__目标相冲突,自然而然【5】处就能读出,应填写achieve、reach一类的词,与达成目标相左;反观【4】,首先从词性出发,句子开头的「had gained weight」和后面的「altered」结合可知,体重增加了➻改变训练项目,其中原因则是减重—锁定这里缺少动词,又在 of 之后,填写的是动词ing的非谓语动词形式,【4】.____ the number on the scale,【4】处的重点是number—体重这一数字、数值,降低数字则填写lower, decline, diminish, drop, dwindle, fall等词,故四个选型【A.】lowering 【B.】explaining 【C. 】accepting 【D.】recording 中,因选择【A.】lowering



  {I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 【6】.____ of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 【7】.____ altering your training program. The most【8】.____ changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost.}本段介绍每天称体重的第二个弊端【accurate】[ˈækjərət] - adj. 精确的【notice】[ˈnəʊtɪs] vt. 注意到;vi. 引起注意本段的突破口是第二句话{①It takes about three weeks to a month ②to notice any significant changes in your weight ③【7】.____ altering your training program. }①交代了需要花费3-4周;②这一时间段的作用是什么呢?体重有明显的变化③【altering your training program】与第二段的【altered my training program】简直就是抄袭,在这里补充一点,当时句子出现谓语动词以及非谓语动词的现在分词即doing的形式,一般现在分词所代表的动作与句子谓语的动作同时发生,或提前发生,其后后者更常见,例如Going into the room,he shut the door. 走进房间,他就关上了门。 Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well.因为在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。

  反过来看本句,It takes about three weeks to a month ②to notice any significant changes in your weight ③【7】.____ altering your training program. 本句有三个不同形式的动词①takes,②to notice,③altering,也可分为三个不同的短句①需要3-4周的时间;②意识到体重重大变化;③改变训练项目;刚才提高现在分词与谓语动词动作的两种先后顺序:⑴同时发生;⑵现在分词动作先于谓语动作通过阅读可知,①②③同时发生是不可能的,所以③先发生,之后才有了①②所以本句的意思是【因改变训练计划而产生的明显体重变化需要大约三周到一个月的时间才能被注意到。】,【7】处四个选项【A. 】regardless of 【B. 】aside from 【C. 】along with 【D.】 due to 中,【D.】 due to正确。

  因为第二句已经解释,需要3-4周的时间,所以每天测体重是无法给出accurate的反馈的,说明不了问题。I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 【6】.____ of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. 【6】处的四个选项【A. 】depiction 【B. 】distribution 【C.】 prediction 【D. 】definition中,【A. 】depiction正确,depiction [dɪ'pɪkʃn] n. 描写,叙述;全句意思“我还发现,每日称重无法为我在健身房付出的努力和取得的进展提供准确的描述。”

  填第八个空之前先梳理下本段逻辑,句说明了每天测体重提供不了有效的反馈,第二句话讲的是如果改变了训练项目,至少要花费3-4周才能看出明显的体重变化,两句话都在强调时间对于健身的效用。每天测体重吧、不准确,等着体重有明显的变化吧、有得需要3-4周,熬人呀。那有木有比较短期的且直观的判断呢?有,第八个空所在的句子就是。The most 【8】.____ changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. 最「?」的变化将体现在技能水平、力量和减少的(身体)维度上。四个选项 【A.】 rigid 【B.】precise 【C. 】immediate 【D. 】orderly 中,选项【C. 】immediate 正确,这里的immediate意思是“短期的、紧接的”与第二句话中的“ about three weeks to a month”相对应。













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